
Adobe says hackers accessed data for 2.9 million customers

07 Oct 2013



Adobe  Systems has become  a new target of hackers. The company has confirmed   that  2.9million Adobe customers data was accessed  as a result of hacker intervention. Thus, it was revealed that critical customer data was accessed by hackers. Although    copies of  deleted data  exists, there  are user names, surnames , addresses, encrypted credit card numbers and other account information among  documents  which  hackers  accessed.

Credit cards being  encrypted does not allow  the  hackers to  use  them in  a short time. Adobe  system has  given recommendations to  customers to  take measures for  their  credit cards security, because  hackers can  break encryption keys.

In addition, the company is in the process of notifying customers  not to rely on messages by fake Adobe sender which require  account  data  and credit  card numbers and  not  to send  their account data  to any  addresses except the official website of Adobe because hackers have also  accessed to  email addresses.