
Malicious softwares

14 Sep 2013


The development of Internet and the growing number  of users who use it for various purposes  presents many targets  to attackers to carry out their malicious activities. The vast majority of network -based attacks  are applied to users who visit the web pages in order to distribute the materials and the composition of malwares , which is applied to users who visit the web pages

In these type of attacks  hackers  access to  reliable web pages stored on servers and insert  malwares  on this server. While Internet users visit this website  their computers infect with malwares. Powerful and dangerous malwares may  crack  computer making changes  in it, and access  to electronic information  systems .

At present, the  density of malware attacks  is  increasing  and  developing day by day. In this case - it is a serious threat for the security of Internet users. The current activities  to fight against malwares is  far behind the process of defining the global threat  Activities  for struggling with malwares  and reducing them are carried out  separately.